The Process of Working With a Stylist and Wedding Planner in Scotland

The wedding planning process is such an exciting time! You plan your happily ever after just as you have dreamt about since you were a child. Although, at times planning can become confusing, overwhelming and stressful among all of the joy, it is normal.

As a Scotland wedding planner and stylist, I love getting to know couples and their vision and helping them bring that to life.

Couples invest in a professional to ensure the process is smooth, every detail is dealt with and to save them time and energy. It is also great if you have a beautiful vision in mind, but don’t quite have the creativity or time to bring it to life!

If you are considering whether a planner and stylist is right for you, I am going to tell you the process of working with a stylist and wedding planner in Scotland, aka me! 

Stylist and Wedding-Planner in Scotland

Photos by: Michael Rankin

Stylist and Wedding Planner in Scotland Process

  • Email Me

  • Online Questionnaire 

  • Complimentary Call

  • Confirm Booking

  • Introduction to Client Portal

  • Planning Process

  • Design Process

  • Planning Breaks

  • Areas We Will Cover

Email Me

First of all, once you are ready to make an enquiry you can either fill out my contact form, or you can email me. This will allow me to understand your interest and I will get back to you ASAP! 

Online Questionnaire 

I will then send you my online questionnaire for you to fill out. Here I will find out a little more information on how best I can help you.

It is important that as a stylist and wedding planner in Scotland, I understand the details and your vision, to ensure we are the right fit for eachother. 

Complimentary Call

Then, I will arrange a complimentary call with you and your partner, where I will go over the services that I offer. This will allow you to get to know a bit more about how I can help you, and what service is best fit for you. 

Confirm Booking

If we are happy to proceed then I will confirm your booking and we will start the process! 

This stage is very exciting for me as a stylist and wedding planner in Scotland, as well as for couples, knowing they are about to plan and create the wedding day of their dreams. 

There is nothing that excites me more than confirming a booking with a couple who my vision aligns with, knowing it is going to be a fun, relaxed and exciting experience. 

Introduction to Client Portal

Once your booking is confirmed, I will give you an introduction to the online client portal and then the planning and styling process begins.

You will find all of the information you need in this portal, so you are in the loop of everything from suppliers contacted, confirmed suppliers, deposits and prices. As well as the design room where we will share images, colour palettes and mood boards!

This ensures we are always on the same page. 

Planning Process

Then, we will start the planning process immediately – there is no messing around here!

We will focus on small areas so that it is nice and laid back and you can enjoy the whole process.

I will communicate with you consistently and send you a weekly email with various updates and questions. This means every week we will be on track and organised with everything. 

The design process will begin 1 year before your wedding. By this time, you will have a better idea of what you are looking for and will be less likely to change your mind!

Stylist and Wedding-Planner in Scotland

Photo by: Michael Rankin

Planning Breaks

It is important that throughout the whole process you don’t lose sight of your vision and what your wedding day is truly all about. So, if at any point you are finding anything slightly overwhelming and need a planning break please just let me know. 

Areas We Will Cover

As a stylist and wedding planner in Scotland these are the areas I cover with you. Keep in mind that these may not be covered in this exact order, but it is just to give you an idea: 










Ready to Plan the Wedding of Your Dreams?

Now you know the process of working with a stylist and wedding planner in Scotland, I hope this has helped you determine whether you need a professional (and friends) by your side to style and plan your wedding day. 

It goes without saying that a professional taking over this task will take so much weight and time off your back and you can relax knowing you will be able to enjoy the day you want. 

If you are ready to enquire about wedding planning near you then let’s have a chat and see if we are the ideal match! 

Caroline x


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