Don’t forget about the guestbook!

Guestbooks are a wonderful thing to look back on in years to come and see all your loved ones well wishes as you begin married life together.

Guestbooks come in so many different forms, such as the classic book, wish jars, jigsaw puzzles, globes, messages in a bottle, polaroid cameras…the list goes on! Whatever you choose, making a lovely table display, in an area where guests are lingering, will encourage your guests to sign the guestbook. The drinks reception is a great opportunity for this!

There is often so much going on that guests may not notice your lovely guestbook display, so don't just rely on them passing by and taking note. You don't want your efforts to go to waste. Assign a member of your wedding party to remind guests to sign the guestbook. If you decide on a book, a member of your wedding party can also distribute it around the room.

You will end up with a book, jigsaw, wish jar etc full of lovely messages to look back on and reminisce about your special day.

Caroline x


Stand on the opposite side so you can face your nearest and dearest whilst you say I DO!


You want to see people’s faces, not their phones!