Stand on the opposite side so you can face your nearest and dearest whilst you say I DO!

I remember searching "which side of the aisle should I be standing at as the bride" on google about a month before my wedding. Google informed me that traditionally speaking the bride stands on the left-hand side, and her parents and loved ones would also sit on the left-hand side. And so, following tradition, I did just that and married Conor standing on the left-hand side of the aisle.

Looking back at my ceremony, I remember wishing I could have seen my parent’s faces during the ceremony. When I watch my video back, you can see me looking over my shoulder to see mum and dads reaction to the wonderful words the celebrant was saying.

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself scrolling endlessly on TikTok and up popped a wedding tip…

Stand on the opposite side of the aisle so you can face your nearest and dearest whilst you say I DO.

This is something that never even crossed my mind when I was getting married. If I could go back in time, I would do just that- stand on the opposite side so I can face my parents, closest family, bridesmaids and besties and see their emotions and love in their faces as I said I do.

I thought I would pass this tip on to someone looking to break tradition and do something a little different.

As far as I’m concerned, it truly doesn't matter who stands on what side of the aisle, it’s your day, so feel free to mix it up!

Please note: If you're having a religious ceremony, check with your officiant and make sure that changing your positions won't go against the beliefs.

Caroline x


Bring a second pair of wedding shoes!


Don’t forget about the guestbook!